Traditional Chinese Medicine has been a way of life for me for 25 years now. It guides my internal & external expression. As a devoted practitioner, I take deep joy in my success record, particularly with clients who have struggled to find lasting relief from other treatments.
My focus is on holding space for my clients as they comprehend the underlying causes of their health issues and navigate the nature of their conditions for an authentic and enduring healing experience. Born under the Dark Moon, I am comfortable in those dark complex places.
I hold several qualifications, including being a registered practitioner in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine with AHPRA and the Chinese Medicine Board. I've completed the Oriental Health Sciences program in Barefoot Acupuncture, where I apprenticed under an old-school Master – you know, the one that doesn’t graduate you until you’re wholly ready regardless of your academic records. Journeying the Four Seasons Journey at the School of Shamanic Womancraft in 2016-2017 has influenced my work immensely. Over the last 24 years, I've actively pursued continuous education, participating in numerous courses in Chinese Medicine, Holistic Health, and Healing. For me, ongoing learning is essential for delivering effective processes and results in clinic and life.
AHPRA & Chinese Medicine Board Registered Practitioner: Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbal Medicine
Currently completing Shamanic Womancraft Practitioner training with School of Shamanic Womancraft.
And 100s of continuing education courses in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Holistic Health and Healing over the last 24 years; because let's face it, if you care about delivering good processes & results in clinic, you just keep learning, processing and journeying.
Past-Treasurer & Secretary of Oriental Health Practitioner Association of Australia (OHPAA) Past-Secretary of Holistic Health Practitioner Association of Australia (HHPAA)